Introducing the 2023 “Moms’ Agenda” Promoting Sustainability and Mental Health


Questioning the Spectrum of Care: Is Pro-Life Inclusive of Animals Too?

Amidst the fervor surrounding maternal rights, a new perspective emerges one that bridges the gap between human and animal concerns. The Mom Congress, renowned for advocating bipartisan measures, has unveiled a thought-provoking legislative agenda. This agenda not only urges Congress to bolster assistance for mothers but also prompts contemplation on whether the pro-life stance extends to animals as well.

In a significant move, the 2023 Moms’ Agenda was revealed, encompassing an array of bills aimed at tackling the pressing hurdles mothers confront due to insufficient support structures during pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood. This initiative gained heightened relevance in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade’s reversal, a decision that redefined a woman’s autonomy over her reproductive choices.

As delegates gear up to journey to Washington, D.C. in the coming month to advocate for congressional action, the discourse takes an unexpected turn. Is the concept of being “pro-life” all-encompassing? Can it be expanded to include animals, echoing the need for improved living conditions, healthcare, and protection?

The convergence of maternal well-being, animal welfare, and mental health sparks a fresh dialogue, forcing us to reevaluate the dynamics of compassion and support in society.

So, revitalizing the ‘Pro-Life’ Paradigm: Amplifying Support for Mothers and Beyond

“In a government that upholds the ‘pro-life’ stance, advocating for mothers is a natural extension. Genuine pro-life commitment involves bolstering maternal well-being, family dynamics, healthcare – both physical and mental, and socio-economic sustenance,” emphasized Joy Burkhard, the visionary Founder of Mom Congress.

Dr. Ebony Wrenn, Director of Mom Congress, emphasized the urgency of unity over political polarization: “The time has come for Congress to bridge divides and prioritize the welfare of American families. Bipartisanship is the cornerstone of what our moms and families rightly deserve.”

At the heart of the Moms’ Agenda lies a multifaceted strategy that encompasses diverse realms:

  1. Maternal Health Care and Mortality Prevention:
    • Midwives for MOMS Act
    • Healthy Moms and Babies Act
    • Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act
    • Mothers and Newborns Success Act
  2. Addressing Stillbirth:
    • SHINE for Autumn Act
    • Maternal Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act
  3. Maternal Mental Health:
    • Moms Matter Act
  4. Child Care Overhaul:
    • Improving Child Care for Working Families Act of 2023
    • Expanding Child Care in Rural America Act of 2023

With a clear focus on ensuring maternal mental well-being and robust childcare infrastructure, the Moms’ Agenda leaves no stone unturned. It also highlights the impending childcare funding crisis after the cessation of the American Rescue Plan funding on September 30, 2023.

Eager to spark transformation, the Mom Congress fly-in launches with the 5th annual “Saving and Supporting Moms” Congressional Briefing on September 19, 2023. A resolute effort to rejuvenate the essence of pro-life principles while advocating for mothers and families is undeniably underway.

For deeper insights into the Moms’ Agenda, explore: Moms’ Agenda Details

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