Labor Day Sale Event at FAB CBD


Looking for the best CBD deals this Labor Day? Look no further.

Labor Day – it’s around the time when kids go back to school, and adults…keep working. Offering some relief to the folks out there making a living, FABCBD marks down prices by 30% from September 1st through September 6th.

The 30% discount is easy for anyone to grab. Just enter the coupon code LABORDAY30 at checkout to receive FAB’s top-shelf products for about a third off the regular price.

Since 2017, the FAB team has been on a mission to boost people’s health through the careful creation of high-quality, full spectrum, broad spectrum, and CBD isolates products. To that end, FAB continually strives to find ways for a new generation of people to live a preventative wellness lifestyle through science, innovation, and premium supplementation.

FABCBD continues to grow as a company and as a brand by pushing the envelope in its newest offerings. And though it has only been on the market for a short while, the brand’s new complete cannabinoid soft gels are beating out competitors’ capsules because they are vegan, easier to swallow, totally tasteless, and they have equal parts CBD, CBN, CBG, and CBC. The company’s powerful CBD+CBG oil was launched in the past year and is already a huge hit with countless customers.

FAB remains a top brand in the CBD industry because the team dedicates its time, effort, and knowledge to product creation from seed to sale. Moreover, they also work nonstop to bring new and innovative products to every one of their customers. So, not only is FAB improving upon its already amazing pre-existing products, but the brand is also crafting new, clean, organic, potent products to enhance the lives and lifestyles of its customers. With an eye to the future, FABCBD plans to unveil a completely fresh product– D9 gummies– before the end of 2022.

During FAB’s Labor Day sale, customers can use the coupon code LABORDAY30 to receive 30% off of the brand’s line of CBD products which include its full-spectrum CBD oils in an array of strengths and flavors, CBD gummies, topical CBD cream, and body salve, CBD dog treats, CBD+CBG oil, and complete cannabinoid soft gels.

Coupon Code: LABORDAY30

Shop The Sale Through September 6th:



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