Vegan Diet in the Pandemic – 2022 Resolution

As we know, most deaths in the United States and West society let’s say are preventable, because they are caused by a lack of lifestyle and nutrition education, mostly they are related to what people eat. 
I support everything and every person who has a well-documented basis.
After about 10 years of veganism, lots of years of vegetarianism, I can deduce from my own experience, that nutrition is the most important element in our health. After lots of schools, nutrition classes, like David Wolfie’s, or other vegan and raw vegan schools I’ve graduated from, I can tell you, not just because of the diplomas, researches, education, but also from my own experiences, I can conclude how important it is to eliminate animal proteins and products from our diet. It is a key element for a healthier and happier life.
Peoples’ New Year’s Resolution is synonymous with new goals, of course, this includes having a healthier lifestyle, to adopting new experiences and practices. The problem is this is more just a short-term “change”, and then if it is not working at the moment we try something, new usually we are prone to stop. Veganism, healthy nutrition, healthy lifestyle is not about a period of time it is forever if we would like to see a real change.
As Dr. Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, the founder of the nonprofit organization, also offers evidence-based tips for those who want to try a vegan or plant-based whole food diet in 2022. So, those are facts, science, and experiences of others. Another issue is that if you eat vegan it doesn’t mean you are eating 100% healthy. I mean it is better in any way than to eat animal products, and most people like me, who are vegans, first because of animals, we do not eat 100% whole food, but at least 70-80%, which is also a great job. Not to mention, that according to Dr. Greger, “Just because you’re eating a vegan diet doesn’t mean you’re automatically eating healthfully. It is important to incorporate a variety of whole plant foods into your diet and crowd out the rest.
Other tips to achieve o great body, with nutritious healthier food, of course, exercise and moving your body it is a “must”. In my opinion, to be healthy means not to use anymore those foods, drinks, bad habits, and attachments, which you know are harmful to your body, or even negative information, which is harmful to your soul. I can mention here some of them like alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, too much salt, toxic people, etc. If you stop those and you are eating a plant-based diet, with some not-so-radical changes like little exercise like yoga, pilates; or anything which makes you feel better, it is a start to achieve the Greatness In You! Your body will be thankful.
Because I am a woman, I must say that after 40 for women is very important to have a balanced lifestyle as our hormones are changing radically and rapidly, nutrition is the key, and of course, you can add some plant-based vitamins, minerals, muscle strengthening exercises, drink plenty of water and make some compromises to remain healthy and hormonally balanced. The changes in a woman’s life after 40 are critical, sometimes even very bad, this is why we need to do lots of changes. Do not forget that there is no such thing as “too late”.
Let’s see what Dr. Greger recommends for 2022. Like he says always, first is very important for people to understand why a healthier lifestyle is a necessity, nowadays.
We must have the motivation to change, and this should be long-term. I recommend books like “How Not to Die” and “How not to Diet”, which can provide a strong foundation and life-changing start to understand nutritional science and vegan whole food, or whole plant-based diet.
There is a list with The Daily Dozen of the healthiest of the most nutritious foods to consume daily. This list includes, of course, almost all berries, seeds, nuts, beans, leafy greens, etc. We know why berries are so important to our bodies, they are functioning as a protective umbrella, for our immune system and even for our whole system. In this matter, I can make the comparison between why whole body and whole food. We are WHOLE, as a system, we are functioning as a whole, so we need the best of nutrients to our body and soul, whole food from nature and plants, and whole body-soul balance.
Dr. Greger has even a free Daily Dozen app which is tracking your daily servings. It’s a great “mission” for you to start.
Mainly, you just fill every meal with non-starchy vegetables, like tomatoes, kale, broccoli, collards, carrots, mushrooms, green beans, chickpeas, leafy greens. Why? Because these are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber.
This and other eating guides will help you to achieve New Year’s goals.
If you visit, you can see that will be very easy to make those little changes in steps to have an idea of all I’ve mentioned above. If you’d like to know more about evidence-based health and wholesome recipes, please access
I bet this will be a Game Changer in your everyday life and a good opportunity to combat viruses and boost your immune system as long as you’d like.
Author’s note:
I would like to add, that I’ve read those books, I’ve mentioned, myself, and many others, and I put my research, documentation, experience to this, to have a conclusion, that I can give the best options to people through this article. 
“Nobody will do the job, for you, except YOU”

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Betty Tűndik
Betty Tűndik
Hi everyone! Nice to e-meet you! Here are a few things you should know about me. I am a conscientious, open-minded, adaptable to new experiences, and ambitious Business Development Manager with a Bachelor's Degree in Economics - Banking, Finance, and Accountancy. Through my studies, I've also obtained many naturopathic and nutrition degrees as well. Part-time jobs have added marketing, network marketing, event management, and store management skills to my experience throughout my career. Throughout my career, I have also been a Hotel Manager and owned a Bar/Restaurant & Internet Cafe. My online marketing and social media interactivity experience was gained when I and my husband started a business with an online/organic webshop & healthy lifestyle consultancy. I've improved my English at Cambridge Academy of English - 2003, in Cambridge. I live a conscious lifestyle, and try to protect the ecosystem. Animal lover and capable of helping others without judgment or negative reactions, this is thanked my knowledge in holistic therapies and the naturopathy courses I've followed. I cannot leave for my spiritual growth and the continuous development in alternative and holistic therapies, so I'm learning at Kyron School of New Consciousness, receiving a Bio Energo-therapist diploma. Thanks to all my experiences I've decided to venture into publishing and writing, while also continuing to learn many new things daily. I hope you enjoy reading my hand-picked news and check back for my weekly articles.


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