From the 17th to the 19th of May, the city will turn into one great concert hall with performances scheduled from dawn to late at night

Milan becomes one great concert hall with the eighth edition of PIANO CITY MILANO, held from the 17th to 19th of May. More than 50 hours of performance, scheduled from dawn until night, totaling over 400 free performances defining the most engaging open festival in town, which comes to life within classic spaces dedicated to music as well as in Milan’s unusual and secret spaces: museums and art galleries, historic buildings, private houses, terraces, courtyards and parks.

Conceived in 2012 with the aim of returning the city to its inhabitants and to the many tourists who appreciate its cultural offer, PIANO CITY MILANOis the extraordinary result of a project sponsored by the city of Milan and the Association Piano City Milano. Thanks to the efforts of the festival founders and its association, including Daniela Cattaneo Diaz and Titti Santini, who makes the event possible every year, PIANO CITY MILANO makes use of the contribution and enthusiasm of partners, musicians, businesses, media, institutions and associations, which have created a virtuous network to support this wonderful urban experience.

As is customary, this year PIANO CITY MILANO was envisioned as an open and participatory festival with two major locations serving as a reference point for calendar events: GAM Piano Center for daytime concerts and Palazzina Liberty Piano Center for nighttime events. From these symbolic places in Milan, the schedule of events propagates naturally throughout the city. Confirming the international success of the festival, hundreds of applications by pianists from all over the world will ensure a replica of the exceptional numbers of the last edition: 480 concerts,150 venues and a  total of 100,000 spectators.

The artistic direction of PIANO CITY MILANO is conducted once again by Ricciarda Belgiojoso and Titti Santini, while the executive direction is led by Manuela Rosignoli and Lorenzo Carni, one of the founding members of the Association. The project is supervised by Ponderosa Music & Art and Accapiù which has gained a huge media and public success.

PIANO CITY MILANO is born as an experimental project, based on social, cultural and generational contaminations, bringing music to the heart of Milan. Today, it is one of the most anticipated events of the year for what has become a vibrant metropolis, contemporary and European.


SOURCE: M&C Saatchi PR

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