The prestigious economic environment Bloomberg has recently published its report “Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index” that names Spain as the healthiest country in the World, out of a total of 169 countries evaluated. A rigorous study based on statistics from the World Health Organization and the World Bank.
Bloomberg recalls that researchers stress, that eating habits can provide fundamental clues about the good levels of health enjoyed by Spain, which is committed to the Mediterranean Diet, with olive oils as the main source of fat.
In this way, Spain surpasses Italy as leader in this classification and leaves behind countries of our environment such as France (12th place), the Netherlands (15th), the United Kingdom (p19), Germany (23rd) and Belgium (in the post 28). And of course light years away from others like the United States (35) or China (52).
“We have known for decades that life habits are the main determinants of health. And within life habits, food is one of the most important pillars. Therefore, we are going to advocate following a healthy diet, low in saturated fats and rich in unsaturated fats, such as, for example, extra virgin olive oil,” confirms Dr. Ramón Estruch, coordinator of the PREDIMED Study, one of the most influential in the scientific literature worldwide on the relationship between diet and health. In fact, they assure that they have quantified these effects: “We have been able to show that, really following a Mediterranean Diet, rich in extra virgin olive oil, can reduce vascular complications by more than 30% and this has been demonstrated with the maximum level of scientific evidence.”
The Olive Oil from Spain Interprofessional, a non-profit organization, formed in turn by all representative entities of the Spanish olive oil sector, has as its main objective the dissemination of the product throughout the world and does so through his brand Olive Oils from Spain.
SOURCE: Olive Oils from Spain