The Swedish Migration Agency partners with CGI to improve its immigration services through agile


Migrationsverket (the Swedish Migration Agency) has chosen CGI to supply a team of agile experts to help speed up the development of a wide range of IT solutions that will address key business challenges and improve immigration services. The agency’s mission is, among others, to investigate and process applications from individuals who want to settle in Sweden, visit the country, seek protection from persecution or obtain Swedish citizenship. The order value of the four-year agreement is estimated around 140 million SEK (approx.C$20.5 million).

Two fundamental issues in society, digitalization and migration, are at the core of the challenges faced by Migrationsverket, which has a great need for capacity and speed in managing its many development projects. Specific projects include developing solutions for automating case and financial compensation management, supporting digital identities for asylum seekers, increasing mobility, and developing an internal digital workplace with an activity-based approach.

An important factor for Migrationsverket in selecting a vendor was security. CGI has several delivery centers in Sweden with a long history of working with high-level security requirements within both the private and public sectors. These centers have significant experience in delivering solutions based on security requirements related to personnel, technology, safety, and more.

“Supporting fast and efficient systems development based on agile principles is something we’ve been working on at CGI long before agile got its name,” said Pär Fors, Senior Vice-President overseeing CGI’s operations in Sweden. “In our global delivery center in Östersund, we specialize in agile development and management, especially with respect to Java and .Net platforms. CGI’s major differentiator is its local capabilities, with 30 offices across Sweden, combined with our global delivery network, which enables us to always find the right solution for each client.”

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