The Power of Superfoods – A Week-Start Dessert


“Super food Balls”, Raw and Healthy dessert

We’ve just created healthy balls this week-start and called them “Super-food Balls” because of their special super food content. The quantity depends on how much we want to serve, but the Upper Quality is undisputed. All ingredients are raw and organic. They contain no gluten and noxious or commercial sugars.








All the ingredients are processed in the “food processor” (mixer / blender) and made little balls, which were inverted in the scraped coconut. You can add water, if necessary, we’ve added only the spring water in which the seeds were soaked.


Now, we invite you to see why is this dessert so nourishing and nutritious, but also healthy. Let’s take a deeper look into the ingredients.


It is considered to be among the healthiest foods on the planet. Chia seeds are small black seeds of the Salvia Hispanica plant. This plant grows native to South America. The Chia seeds were an important food for Aztecs and Mayans. The Maya people considered to be an extraordinary “power” diet that provides sustainable energy for the body. Actually in Mayan, “chia” = “power”. Nowadays and in modern society, chia seeds are recognized as superfoods.

An ounce (28 grams) – Chia seeds contains:

Fiber: 11 grams.

Protein: 4 grams.

Fat: 9 grams (of which 5 are Omega-3).

Calcium: 18% of daily requirements.

Manganese: 30% of the daily requirement.

Magnesium: 30% of the daily requirement.

Phosphorus: 27% of daily requirements.

Also contain zinc, vitamin B3 (niacin), potassium, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and vitamin B2.

Chia seeds also contain many antioxidants. Although antioxidant supplements have proven to be not very effective for everybody, antioxidants in foods can have positive health effects. They contain even more antioxidants than blueberries, for example. Almost all carbohydrates in chia seeds are in the form of fiber. The fibers in it do not raise blood sugar, so it does not need insulin. These fibers are absorbed very slowly in the body and feed the beneficial bacteria. Chia seeds contain high-quality protein, so it’s very beneficial in a vegetarian/vegan diet. Chia seeds are rich in fatty acids – Omega-3, so along with other beneficial contents, chia seeds help maintain health, provide balance in metabolic health, reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. These seeds are very important in bone health. They contain calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and high-quality natural proteins that can balance any bone problem. A study has shown that chia seeds can bring a significant improvement in type 2 diabetes, but they also balance blood pressure. Moreover, athletes have proven to be very healthy and many of them drink shakes in which seeds are added because it improves sports performance and brings the necessary nutrients into the body.

You can bring these seeds to your daily diet very easily, however, we recommend that they be organic.


These fruits are considered super foods. They are well known and because of their use by many celebrities, from Madonna to Mischa Barton, goji berries have been used in Chinese medicine for more than 6,000 years. These red fruits stimulate the activity of the immune system and brain activity, protect against heart disease and cancer and improve life expectancy. Goji berries contain vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin A, iron, selenium and have antioxidant properties. The British Dietetic Association (BDA), after examining them, has reported and supported in various reports and documents the beneficial effect of those berries on human health. A small study in 2008 found that daily Goji consumption of 120 ml of juice for 14 days brings general well-being, an improvement in brain activity (thus very effective in Alzheimer’s disease) and balancing digestion. Another 1994 study by the Chinese on 79 patients with advanced cancers showed that there was a regression of cancers and overall health improvement. “Heaven is the limit when it comes to Incorporating Goji berries in your diet,” says Rosanna Lee, an expert in Health and Nutrition in Toronto. From the high antioxidant content to the blood-purifying effect of the whole body, and reducing the risk of cancer and other tumors, Goji fruits are considered herbs for everyone in the Super Food category.


Once again, we have to deal with a superfood. The coconut oil contains a unique combination of fatty acids with strong medicinal properties that you will not find in any plant oil. Most of the fatty acids in the diet are long chain fatty acids, but medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are metabolized quite differently. From the digestive tract, they go directly to the liver, they are used as rapid energy, and are transformed into so-called ketone bodies that can have therapeutic effects on brain disorders such as Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s. In principle, coconut oil contains a lot of medium chain triglycerides that are metabolized differently and can have therapeutic effects on various severe brain disorders. The best example is the Tokelau population living in the South Pacific. They consume more than 60% of the coconut calories and are the largest consumers of saturated fats in the world. These people are very healthy and have no obvious in the field of cardiovascular disease.

Another example is the Kitava population, who again consume a lot of coconuts and benefit from excellent health. Many peoples and generations have consumed coconut in very large quantities, and have gained only excellent health! Coconut and coconut oil is a big help in dealing with obesity, digestion, cholesterol problems, cardiovascular system problems, protects the skin and hair, so it is also used in high-quality cosmetics. We can directly use this oil on the skin, and against wrinkles. As far as Alzheimer’s disease is concerned, as I said, fatty acids in coconut oil can stimulate brain function, and this has also proved scientifically to people suffering from this disease. In a 2006 study, it has been shown that consumption of medium chain triglycerides has led to an immediate improvement in cerebral function in patients with mild Alzheimer’s. Coconut oil also helps in weight loss. In a study of 40 women with abdominal obesity, supplementing with 30 ml (1 fl. oz.) coconut oil in the daily diet resulted in a significant reduction in both in BMI, and waist circumference, in a 12-week period. Coconut oil can also be used for skin problems, burns, gum problems, even in the OIL PULLING.


Oil CHEWING / PULLING is the oldest Ayurvedic method. It is a procedure that involves walking and chewing extra virgin oil for oral and systemic health. It is found and mentioned in Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita and is claimed to cure about 30 systemic diseases, from headaches, migraines, to diabetes and asthma, gum problems, teeth and helps even the tooth brushing. OIL PULLING has been widely used in India and has been used as a traditional, Indian folk remedy to prevent cavities, unpleasant oral smell, gum bleeding, neck dryness, lips cracking, hardening and treating teeth, gums and jaw. This technique for maintaining oral cavity hygiene and treating diseases is called “Gandusha and Kavalgraha” (Treatment of the Mouth).

The oils used for this technique can be sunflower oil, sesame oil, olive oil, coconut oil, or any other good quality oil, but it must be extra virgin, raw, and cold pressed. Gandusha and Kavala Graha have 2 primordial oral cleaning techniques; a specialized therapy to treat good oral problems:

 – Gandusha involves filling your mouth completely with beneficial fluids such as essential oils and keeping them about 3-5 minutes in the mouth, then spit out.

– Kavala Graha involves bringing in a comfortable amount of a liquid, holding in the mouth approx. 3 minutes, after that the gargle is made. It is a simple, but very useful treatment.

However, some Ayurvedic texts suggest that a quantity of essential oil should be rotated in the mouth – we recommend coconut or sesame oil, on the empty stomach, after waking up and before tooth brushing, kept in mouth approx. 20 minutes. This will involve pulling away and removing toxins from the body, heavy metals, and other undesirable toxins, so it will bring health improvement to the oral cavity but also to the whole body.

We recommend the spitting out these toxins attracted into the oil directly in the toilet because they are quite harmful. Afterward, you can rinse the oral cavity with 3-4 sips of Himalayan salt water and then wash your teeth. Using coconut oil it is also a powerful antibacterial and is very pleasant in the mouth.

The reported benefits include:

Healthy cavity, white teeth, prevention and treatment of gingivitis, better breathing, strengthening of teeth and gums, beneficial for jaw pain. Moreover, asthma sufferers have been greatly improved. There have also been improvements in sleep and sinus problems, headaches and migraine headaches, helping with hangover and skin problems (Reports also showed improvements in acne, psoriasis, and eczema). An anti-tumor and anti-cancer technique, anti-aging and chakra adjustment and man’s energy field have been proven. Thus, we can conclude that coconut oil is a great super drink, but let’s not forget about the vitamin content, such as Vitamin K, Vitamin E and Choline – Linus Pauling Institute of the State University of Oregon, quotes Choline, not as a vitamin, but rather as an essential nutrient; Coconut oil contains minerals such as Iron and Beneficial Enzymes. Many recent studies have found even more beneficial effects of this superfood, which will be public in the coming years. It is very important that this Superb Oil is used crudely and organic.


They are from South America, from tropical and subtropical areas. They are nutrients, high in energy, contain many proteins rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins E and C. Phosphorus, along with calcium, form the bulk of the mineral substance of the bones and teeth. It plays a role in the formation of ATP, an indispensable energy compound for “activation” of glucose, fatty acids, etc., improves intellectual performance.

Potassium is the most important neural element in intracellular behavior. It plays a role in numerous enzymatic reactions and in important physiological processes such as heart rate, nervous system transmission, muscles contraction. The potassium content of the groundnut is much higher than in bananas.

– Vitamin E plays a role in the formation and functioning of red cells in blood, muscles and other tissues. It is thought to have a preventive effect against cardiovascular disease and cancer.

– Vitamin C is an antioxidant; Helps absorb iron; helps maintain vitamin E levels; indispensable for the immunological system and tissue preservation. Groundnuts prevent thrombosis and activate blood circulation. Because of their high glucose content, they prevent cancer and lately some researchers have found that they reduce the risk of colon cancer. They have very high fiber content, combined with their delicious taste, makes them ideal for a healthy diet.

Speaking about the circular system and the Heart, they have the same beneficial effects as extra virgin essential oils, controls and balances blood pressure. With the higher but natural content of Magnesium (Mg), it directly (and beneficially) participates in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body and is proven to be a powerful anti-cancer food. Being a source of vegetable protein, it is very welcome in the daily diet of vegans, for example, milk from the groundnut is very tasty and nutritious, more helps in grounding and in balancing our relationship with Mother Earth!


Energy – 496.80 Kcal / 100gr.

Carbohydrates – 30,55 gr / 100gr.

Fats – 24,90 gr / 100gr.

Protein – 4,58 gr / 100 gr.

Fiber – 33,04 gr / 100gr.

Humidity – 4.64 g / 100 g.


(P) 340 mg / kg

(Mg) 900 mg / kg

(K) 7100 mg / kg

(N / A) 120 mg / kg

(Ca) 900 mg / kg


The Red Mushroom of this powder, in ancient Asia, is considered the most active nutrient which has the highest vibration.

The term “Ganoderma” is a combination of Greek words Gano (brightness) and Dermis (skin). This term was used primarily to describe the fungus Ganoderma (aka Ganoderma Lucidum). This fungus has been used in Chinese natural medicine for thousands of years. The chocolate powder is a combination of this Longevity plant, as it was considered in Asia, but in its form of “Baby Ganoderma,” the 3 months old Ganoderma, called Excellium, and high-quality Swiss pure chocolate powder (from pure Aztec cocoa), improving the taste with milk from the coconut palm. It is nutritious, energizing, contains more than 200 active nutrients of which the recognized anti-tumor, Organic Germany, but also polysaccharides, minerals and vitamins (Calcium (Ca): 49.5mg; Iron (Fe): 1.11mg; Potassium (K): 253mg; Phosphorous (P): 48mg; Protein: 2,970mg; Vitamin C: 1.2mg; Vitamin B3: 580.26mg)

It is a powerful Cerebral Tonic, which consumes in the morning gives us strength and vitality, and in the evening relaxes us and brings us a soothing sleep.

From our own experiences, we can support these, but we can also add the important benefits in nervousness, flu and various colds, constipation, lack of energy, bone pain, migraines, agitation, hyperactivity in children, and balancing the digestive system.

Helps in opening the chakra of the Crown and Heart Chakra.

The only request would be that this powder, even if we make “hot chocolate” from it, we should not use boiling water at 100 degrees, or metallic vessels, in order to not destroy its essence.

So, it means helps us to become calmer and loving 🙂

Thus, we have a SUPER DESERT, which from our point of view, qualitative and nutritional does not have competition!

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Betty Tűndik
Betty Tűndik
Hi everyone! Nice to e-meet you! Here are a few things you should know about me. I am a conscientious, open-minded, adaptable to new experiences, and ambitious Business Development Manager with a Bachelor's Degree in Economics - Banking, Finance, and Accountancy. Through my studies, I've also obtained many naturopathic and nutrition degrees as well. Part-time jobs have added marketing, network marketing, event management, and store management skills to my experience throughout my career. Throughout my career, I have also been a Hotel Manager and owned a Bar/Restaurant & Internet Cafe. My online marketing and social media interactivity experience was gained when I and my husband started a business with an online/organic webshop & healthy lifestyle consultancy. I've improved my English at Cambridge Academy of English - 2003, in Cambridge. I live a conscious lifestyle, and try to protect the ecosystem. Animal lover and capable of helping others without judgment or negative reactions, this is thanked my knowledge in holistic therapies and the naturopathy courses I've followed. I cannot leave for my spiritual growth and the continuous development in alternative and holistic therapies, so I'm learning at Kyron School of New Consciousness, receiving a Bio Energo-therapist diploma. Thanks to all my experiences I've decided to venture into publishing and writing, while also continuing to learn many new things daily. I hope you enjoy reading my hand-picked news and check back for my weekly articles.