Accepted Content: Vegan & Plant-based & Sustainability Related Topics in various industries like:
Environment – Health – Lifestyle – Beauty – Fashion – Sport and Recreation – Medical – AI – Hemp – Technology – BioScience – Animal Welfare – Nutrition – Food Industry – Recipes – Mental health – Art – Diversity – Culture & Entertainment – Investments – Trade&Transportation – Showbiz – Spirituality
Business content:
Updates / Articles / News / Companies / Products / Stories/ Events content and links
Please send all your advertising orders to: [email protected]
General Applicable Information:
- Materials needed & conditions for a pre-written sponsored post:
- The article itself (Maximum 3 DoFollow links allowed in total, in the entire text: 1 authority link* + 2 external links). *By authority link we mean a source like Wikipedia or any official source showing a statistic, a report, or anything else that helps the respective article have a natural, non-commercial look ;
- Featured image of at least 1200×800 px with photo source if the photo is from the web (the website is enough, we don’t need the whole URL) – applies for all the images used in the article ;
- The articles must be unique, with added value, and not too commercial ;
- All articles must be paid in the following 24 hours after the client receives the live link from us – if the payment term is not respected, the article is removed from the respective website until payment is processed ;
- When it’s freshly published, an article appears on our Homepage (for about 5-6 hours), then it goes down once other news appears, and stays on our “Latest News” section, as a permanent post ;
- The article would be permanent once paid and won’t be removed from our website except if requested by you – not tagged as sponsored or in any other special way.
- All articles are Google Indexed (necessary time: between 24h – 72 hours after publication, depending on the website) ;
- Materials needed & conditions for a post written by us:
- The title/a topic ;
- The link to be used ;
- 72 hours for the writing process – your acceptance ;
- You’d receive a draft for approval & review, before publication ;
- The upfront payment of 50% of the price before the text gets written – is to be respected ;
- The remaining 50% of the price must be paid in the next 24 hours after the final text is live – if the payment term is not respected, the article is removed from the respective website until payment is processed ;
- When it’s freshly published, an article appears on our Homepage (for about 5-6 hours), then it goes down once other news appears, and stays on our “Latest News” section, as a permanent post ;
- The article would be permanent once paid and won’t be removed from our website except if requested by you – not tagged as sponsored or in any other special way.
- All articles are Google Indexed (necessary time: between 24h – 72 hours after publication, depending on the website) ;
- Materials needed & conditions for a link insertion:
- Your chosen article – needs to be approved by us. In some articles, additional links are not accepted ;
- A new, short sentence to be added to the existing article, containing the anchor text ;
- The anchor text ;
- The Call-To-Action link (your target link) to be used on the anchor text ;
- The link insertion is permanent once paid and won’t be removed from our website except if requested by you ;
- A link insertion must be paid within the next 24 hours after the respective link was inserted – if the payment term is not respected, the link in discussion is removed from the respective article, until payment is processed ;
- Payment methods accepted: Bank Wire, Card, Paypal, Skrill, BTC, BTC cash, Ethereum, Stellar, Wrapped digital gold (wDGLD) ;
- If an invoice is needed, the following details must be provided:
- Company name
- Full address
- EU VAT ID (if registered in the EU/EEA)
Prices: Pre-Written Sponsored Post: 249 EUR / Article – (materials to be provided by client) Article Written by VEG NEW WORLD: 499 EUR / Article – (publication service included) – Upfront payment requested: 50% Link Insertion: 49 EUR / Link – (link insertion in the already existing article)